
Last updated: January 15, 2025

The President and CEO manages the Group and its businesses with the support of the Global Executive Team.

Members of the Global Executive Team.

President and Chief Executive Officer add_circle_outline

The President and CEO manages the Group and its businesses. According to the Companies Act the President and CEO is in charge of the day-to-day management of the Company in accordance with the instructions and orders given by the Board and is responsible for ensuring that the book-keeping of the Company complies with the law and that the financial administration is arranged in a reliable manner. The President and CEO is responsible for the achievement of the goals, plans and objectives set by the Board. The President and CEO is the Chair of the GET.

Ralf K. Wunderlich (born 1966), B.Sc. (Business Administration), has acted as the President and CEO of Huhtamaki as of January 15, 2025.

Charles Héaulmé (born 1966), B.Sc. (Business Administration), acted as the President and CEO of Huhtamaki as of April 26, 2019 until January 15, 2025.

Further information on the President and CEO as well as his shareholding in the Company is available in connection with information on other GET members. Certain key conditions of the written Service Agreement between the Company and the President and CEO and information on the remuneration of the President and CEO are available in section Remuneration.

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President and CEO Ralf K. WunderlichHoldings of Huhtamaki shares and option rights by the President and CEOFurther information on the remuneration of the President and CEO


Global Executive Team add_circle_outline

The GET supports the President and CEO in the management of the Group and its businesses. It addresses and follows the implementation of the Group strategy and overall financial performance as well as the fulfillment of significant projects and set targets. The GET has no formal status under company law. The GET consists of the President and CEO as the Chairman and the executives approved by the Board. The GET members report to the President and CEO. Each GET member has a clear operational responsibility within a Global function or a business segment. The GET convenes at least once a month.

The members of the GET can be found here

Up-to-date information of the shares owned by the GET members can be found here.

Shares owned by the GET members on December 31, 2024

Charles Héaulmé 103,310
Thomas Geust 31,737
Salla Ahonen 0
Fredrik Davidsson 10,633
Marco Hilty 9,621
Ann O'Hara 15,503
Sami Pauni 6,739
Johan Rabe 2,072
Ingolf Thom 6,907
GET Total 186,522

The shareholdings include the Company’s shares owned by the GET members and by any potential corporations over which a GET member exercises control. GET members do not own any shares in any other Group companies than the Company.

Information on the remuneration of the GET members is available in section Remuneration.

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Global Executive Team membersGlobal Executive Team members' holdings of Huhtamaki shares and option rightsFurther information on Global Executive Team members' remuneration