Board of Directors

Last updated: March 12, 2025

The Board of Directors (Board) is responsible for the management and the proper arrangement of the operations of Huhtamaki. The duty of the Board is to promote the interests of the Company and of all the shareholders.

Members of the Board of Directors

Election and composition of the Board add_circle_outline

Last updated 8.1.2025

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board shall prepare a proposal concerning the composition of the Board to be presented to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The General Meeting elects the Board members for the term of office expiring at the close of the AGM following the election, including the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Articles of Association of the Company do not contain any provisions on a special order of appointment of the Board members. Any shareholder of the Company may also make a proposal directly to the General Meeting in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act. If the President and CEO of the Company was elected to the Board, the President and CEO could however not be elected as the Chair of the Board.

When preparing its proposal concerning the composition of the Board, the Nomination Board shall take into account the independence requirements under the Code, the results of the annual performance assessment of the Board, the principles on diversity of the Board and other applicable rules and regulations. According to the Articles of Association of the Company the Board shall consist of a minimum of six and a maximum of nine members. There are no limitations as to the number of terms a person may be elected as Board member or as to the maximum age of a Board member. The Nomination Board may also consult an external expert in order to find and assess suitable candidates.

The following persons belong to the Board of Directors:

Mr. Pekka Vauramo, Chair
Ms. Kerttu Tuomas, Vice-Chair
Ms. Mercedes Alonso
Mr. Doug Baillie
Mr. Robert K. Beckler
Ms. Anja Korhonen
Ms. Pauline Lindwall

In addition to the seven individuals above, the AGM 2024 elected Mr. Ralf K. Wunderlich to the Board. He stepped down from the Board of Directors on January 8, 2025 subsequent to his appointment as the President and CEO of the Company as of January 15, 2025.

Further information on Members of the Board of Directors

Diversity of the Board add_circle_outline

The principles on diversity of the Board are defined in the Charter of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board. According to the Charter of the Nomination Board, the Board must have sufficient expertise, competence and experience related to the Company’s line of business. The composition of the Board shall reflect the requirements set by the Company’s operations and development stage. The Board must specifically have sufficient collective knowledge and competence in:

The principles on diversity of the Board are defined in the Charter of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board. According to the Charter of the Nomination Board, the Board must have sufficient expertise, competence and experience related to the Company’s line of business. The composition of the Board shall reflect the requirements set by the Company’s operations and development stage. The Board must specifically have sufficient collective knowledge and competence in:

  • matters pertaining to the Company’s line of business and its business operations
  • management of an internationally operating public limited company of corresponding size
  • group and financial management
  • strategy as well as mergers and acquisitions
  • internal control and risk management
  • corporate governance

The selection of the members of the Board is based on candidates' background and competence to understand Huhtamaki's current and future markets, strategy, employees and customers, including a sound understanding of financials and business dynamic. The Board must as a whole have combined experience in different markets, geographies and important topics like digitalization and sustainability. The most important nomination criteria for the candidates of the Board are competency, knowledge, personal qualities and integrity. Both genders shall be represented on the Board. These principles on diversity are central to achieving objectives concerning the diversity and ensuring that the Board composition corresponds to the needs of Huhtamaki.

he objectives concerning the diversity of the Board have been achieved well. According to the Shareholders’ Nomination Board, the composition of the Board comprises qualifications defined in the principles on diversity of the Charter of the Nomination Board, that were valid at the time of the election of the Board members, in a balanced way. Since the AGM 2020, three to four Board members have been female thus representing 43–50% of all Board members. At the AGM in 2024 eight members representing seven different nationalities were elected to the Board. On December 31, 2024, the age structure of the Board members was 58–71 years and four Board members were female (50%) and four were male (50%). The Board members have international experience in
different roles in global companies operating in the different businesses and geographical market areas that are important for the Group. Board members hold or have held management positions and positions of trust in both listed and unlisted companies. All Board members have a university level degree, mainly in technology or finance. More information on the educational and professional background of the Board members is available in section Board of Directors. 

In the view of the Nomination Board, the current composition of the Board well meets both comprehensive knowledge of the Company and new insights. The Board strives to ensure that experienced Board members with longer history in the Company’s Board and with wide knowledge of the Company’s various stages transfer their Company specific knowledge and expertise to the new members thereby ensuring that the knowledge stays in the Board also in the future.

Diversity of the Board 2024.svg

Board_expertise_table 2024.svg

Independence of the Board members add_circle_outline

All Board members are non-executive. The Board considers all Board members independent of the Company and independent of the significant shareholders of the Company. The evaluation has been made based on the actual circumstances from both the perspective of the Company and the direct in question. 


Shares owned by the Board members add_circle_outline

Up-to-date information of the shares owned by the Board members can be found here.

Pekka Vauramo 3,000
Kerttu Tuomas 3,000
Mercedes Alonso 750
Doug Baillie 1,000
Robert K. Beckler 1,000
Anja Korhonen 2,000
Pauline Lindwall 879
Board total 11,629


The shareholdings include the Company’s shares owned by the Board members and by any potential corporations over which a Board member exercises control. Board members do not own any shares in any other Group companies than the Company.

Information on the remuneration of the Board members is available in section Remuneration and in Remuneration Statement issued and published in connection with the Director’s Report.

Responsibilities and duties of the Board add_circle_outline

In addition to the powers vested in the Board by the Companies Act and the Articles of Association, the essential duties and working principles of the Board are defined in the Company’s Charter of the Board of Directors.

The responsibilities and duties of the Board include, among other things,

  • organizing the Company’s management and operations including e.g.
    • appointing and dismissing the President and CEO and approving the proposals by the President and CEO for GET members’ appointments and dismissals
    • deciding on the compensation of the President and CEO within the framework of the Remuneration Policy and of other GET members and annually reviewing the performance of the President and CEO and other GET members
    • defining the Group’s ethical values and methods of working including e.g. the approval of the Company’s Code of Conduct
    • deciding on related party transactions that are not part of the ordinary course of business of the Company or are not implemented under arms-length terms 
  • directing the Company’s business and strategy including e.g.
    • eestablishing strategic and financial targets as well as dividend policy and approving the strategic plans and annual operating plan as well as monitoring their implementation
    • approving acquisitions and divestments as well as capital expenditure proposals exceeding EUR 10 million or proposals which are otherwise of material importance to the Group
    • discussing and approving of financial statements, Directors’ Report, interim reports, Corporate Governance Statement, Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Report for the Governing Bodies
    • discussing and approving Company’s and Group’s statutory sustainability related reporting to the extent required, defined and specified under applicable laws and regulations
  • financial communication and outlook
  • reporting, audit, internal control and risk management and
  • preparation of matters to be resolved by the AGM

The Board conducts an annual evaluation of its own performance and working methods. The evaluation is regularly conducted by an independent external evaluator, but may also be conducted as an internal self-evaluation. In 2024, the evaluation was done as an internal self-evaluation.

In order to discharge its duties, the Board requires sufficient information on the structure, business operations and markets of the Group. Each Board member is provided with a monthly report on the financial situation and markets of the Group. In addition, if necessary, the Board is informed of all material events in the Group. New Board members are properly introduced to the operations of the Company with induction presentations and materials as well as visits to selected manufacturing units.

Board Meetings add_circle_outline

The meetings of the Board are held at the Company’s headquarters in Espoo or in other Group locations or in other places as decided by the Board. The Board may also hold its meetings by video or telephone and make decisions without convening a meeting. According to the Charter of the Board of Directors, it shall hold at least six regular meetings each year. In 2024 the Board convened thirteen (13) times. The average attendance of the members at the Board meetings was 98%. Each member’s attendance in the meetings is available under section "Diversity of the Board". 

The President and CEO is usually attending all Board meetings. Other GET members are also invited to participate in Board meetings depending on the matters to be deliberated in the respective meeting. The Auditor is participating annually in the meeting deliberating the financial statements. The Group General Counsel of the Company acts as the secretary of the Board.


About Board Committees add_circle_outline

In order to focus on certain responsibilities, the Board may appoint Committees consisting of three to five Board members each. The Board also appoints the Chair of each Committee. Each Committee member shall have the qualifications required by the duties of the Committee. The Board currently has three Committees: the Audit Committee, the Human Resources Committee, and the Investment Committee.

The duties and responsibilities of the Committees are described in the charter for each Committee approved by the Board. The Committees assist the Board by preparing matters belonging to the competence of the Board. Each Committee regularly reports on its work to the Board. The Committees have no autonomous decision-making power and, thus, the Board passes its resolutions collectively. The entire Board remains responsible for the duties assigned to the Committees.

Audit Committee add_circle_outline

The duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee

  • to monitor and assess Company’s reporting system and processes
  • to monitor and assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the Company’s internal control, internal audit and risk management systems
  • to monitor and assess how agreements and other legal acts between the Company and its related parties meet the requirements of the ordinary course of business and arm’s length terms
  • to monitor and evaluate the independence of the statutory auditor and the sustainability reporting assurer, and in particular the provision of non-audit services
  • to monitor the Company’s auditing and assurance of the statutory sustainability reporting
  • to prepare and make the recommendation to the Board for the election of the statutory auditor and the sustainability reporting assurer at the AGM and
  • to review the financial statements, Directors’ Report, interim reports, and Corporate Governance Statement.

The Audit Committee members shall have sufficient expertise and experience with respect to the committee’s area of responsibility and the mandatory tasks, taking into account the scope and nature of the Company’s operations. At least one member shall have competence in accounting and/or auditing. The Audit Committee members shall not be involved in the day-to-day management of the Group. The majority of the members shall be independent of the Company and at least one member shall be independent of the Company’s significant shareholders. In addition to the Audit Committee members, the CFO of the Company and when considered necessary also other members of the Company’s management participate in the Committee’s meetings. The Auditor participates regularly in the meetings.

The Audit Committee shall meet in accordance with the schedule determined by the Committee but at least four times a year.

The following individuals comprise the Audit Committee: Ms. Anja Korhonen (Chair), Ms. Mercedes Alonso, Mr. Robert K. Beckler and Ms. Kerttu Tuomas.

In 2024, the Audit Committee held six (6) meetings. The average attendance of the members at the Audit Committee meetings was 100%. Each member’s attendance in the meetings is available under section "Diversity of the Board". 




Human Resources Committee add_circle_outline

The duties and responsibilities of the Human Resources Committee

  • to prepare, review and discuss development and implementation of people and organization strategy, talent management as well as other human resources matters and relating policies to be further deliberated by the Board
  • to prepare the Remuneration Policy for the Governing Bodies and the Remuneration Report
  • to prepare the appointment of the CEO and other GET members, including the terms and conditions as well as remuneration
  • to review and assess the performance and remuneration of the CEO and other GET members and
  • to review succession and contingency planning for the CEO and the GET including training development and talent management

The Human Resources Committee shall meet at least twice a year.

The following individuals comprise the Human Resources Committee: Doug Baillie (Chair), Pauline Lindwall, Pekka Vauramo and Ralf K. Wunderlich.

In 2024, the Human Resources Committee held five (5) meetings. The average attendance of the members at the Human Resources Committee meetings was 95%. Each member’s attendance in the meetings is available under section "Diversity of the Board". 



Investment Committee add_circle_outline

The Board decided on December 11, 2024 to establish a new Board Committee, the Investment Committee, with its term of office commencing on January 1, 2025.

The duties and responsibilities of the Investment Committee

  • To guide, oversee, review, and evaluate strategic investment options in relation to the operations of the Company
  • To guide, oversee, and review the performance of strategic investment options of the Company
  • To review and provide input to strategic investment options of the Company
  • To work with the management of the Company and outside advisors to identify potential strategic targets for mergers & acquisitions
  • To evaluate, review and make recommendations with respect to other strategic investment related matters

The Investment Committee shall meet in accordance with the schedule determined by the Committee but at least four times a year.

The following individuals comprise the Investment Committee: Robert K. Beckler (Chair) and Pekka Vauramo.