Annual General Meetings

Last updated: March 21, 2025

The General Meeting of Shareholders is the Company's highest decision-making body. Its tasks and procedures are defined in the Finnish Companies Act and the Company's Articles of Association. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) shall be held annually in Espoo or Helsinki before the end of June on a date set by the Board of Directors.

Huhtamäki Oyj's Annual General Meeting 2025 will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2025. Read more on this year's Annual General Meeting here.

Decision-making at the AGM add_circle_outline

The AGM passes resolutions i.a. upon adoption of financial statements including the consolidated financial statements, distribution of profits, granting the members of the Board and the President and CEO discharge from liability as well as election of the members of the Board and the Auditor. The AGM decides also on the Board members' and the Auditor's remuneration. A General Meeting of Shareholders may also decide on, for example, amendments to the Company's Articles of Association, issuance of new shares and option rights and repurchase of the Company's own shares. The General Meeting of Shareholders may authorize the Board to decide, for example, on issuances of new shares or share repurchases.

At the General Meeting of Shareholders decisions are primarily made by a simple majority of votes. However, some decisions such as amendment of the Articles of Association, deviation from the shareholder's pre-emption right in connection with a share issue and decisions on merger, demerger or dissolution require a 2/3 qualified majority of the votes cast and the shares represented at the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Shareholder rights add_circle_outline

According to the Companies Act, a shareholder may request that a matter falling under the authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders shall be placed on the agenda of the meeting. To this effect, a written request should be sent to the Board well before the publication of the notice to convene the meeting. A shareholder has a right to make proposals and questions on matters handled in the General Meeting of Shareholders.

In order to be entitled to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders, a shareholder shall have to notify the Company of the intention to attend the meeting by the date specified in the notice to the meeting, which date may not be earlier than ten days prior to the meeting. A right to participate and vote in the meeting requires also that a shareholder has been entered in the shareholders' register of the Company eight business days before the General Meeting of Shareholders (record date of the meeting). The holder of a share registered under the name of a nominee may be temporarily entered in the shareholders' register for the purpose of participating in a General Meeting of Shareholders. A registration for temporary entry into the shareholders' register of the Company must be made by the date specified in the notice to the meeting, which date is after the record date of the meeting. This registration constitutes due registration for the General Meeting of Shareholders.

A shareholder may participate and vote in a General Meeting of Shareholders either in person or by proxy. A shareholder may also employ the services of an assistant in a General Meeting of Shareholders. Each share entitles its holder to one vote at the meeting.

In addition to attending and voting at a General Meeting of Shareholders, important rights of shareholders include for example shareholder's pre-emption right in connection with share issues, unless this right is deviated by a qualified majority of votes at a General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as right to receive dividends. All shares have equal rights to receive dividends.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders add_circle_outline

An Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) shall be held when considered necessary by the Board. An EGM shall also be held for the handling of a specified matter if requested in writing by the Auditor or shareholders holding altogether a minimum of one-tenth of all Company shares.

Previous meetings