We use paper and cardboard products every day; when we have a take-away coffee on the way to work, read a book or a newspaper on commute or receive a box with goods that we purchased online.
Paper and cardboard are wood-based products, which means that their raw material comes from forests. Traditionally, people view forests differently around the globe. For some, forests mean an opportunity to go for a hike and relax after a busy week - for some, they provide food or livelihood. Some believe that forests are felled unnecessarily, and they should just be left as they are. What should we know about forests – and most importantly, why do we care so greatly about them at Huhtamaki?
Forests are an important natural resource. Around 30% of world’s land surface is covered with forests. When forests and trees are well managed, they provide livelihoods, clean air and water, maintain biodiversity and mitigate climate change.
Sustainably managed forests
To ensure that forests renew and grow, it is important that they are sustainably maintained. Sustainable forest management means that forests are not used excessively, new trees are planted to replace harvested timber, and the forests are ecologically maintained and managed for their long-term health.
Our goal is to use 100% of the wood fiber from recycled or certified sustainable sources. We use virgin wood fiber for food packaging with direct food contact, as only with it the food safety and hygiene can be guaranteed, and regulations met. Virgin fibers have specific qualities for appearance and processability which make them a good fit for food packaging with direct food contact. After use, virgin fibers return to the paper cycle as fresh cellulose, where it enhances the quality of recycled material.
Download our white paper on sustainable forestry to learn more