We have launched an initiative aiming to increase cup recycling within the UK. Our Specialty Cup range of single wall hot cups and paper vending cups now have a brand new, modern design with a QR code and a message to ‘please recycle this cup’.
The QR code can be scanned by a mobile phone which will lead the consumer to a web page which contains details of the growing numbers of cup recycling sites and schemes across the UK.
“We were renewing our single wall and paper vending cup offering and wanted to bring in new, modern colors. In addition to focusing on the cup aesthetic and functionality, we also wanted to do more to help to communicate the recycling message”, says Becci Eplett, Marketing Manager for Huhtamaki UK
“All of the cups manufactured by Huhtamaki in the UK are either recyclable or certified as compostable at approved composting facilities. Our Specialty cups are made in the UK from 100% PEFC certified paper board and are recyclable via a fast growing and accessible recycling infrastructure including outlets and instore collection schemes, ACE UK Bring Banks*, waste contractors, specialist cup collection and recycling operatives as well as numerous instore and regional recycling schemes.
But how do we direct consumers to their nearest cup recycling point to enable them to recycle their used paper cup? We add a QR code to the cup which links to a new page on our website that lists recycling schemes in the UK.”
Website to learn more about recycling schemes in the UK
The website will be constantly updated whenever a new recycling scheme is available and will be a crucial point of contact for consumers and businesses as they aim to increase their own cup recycling activities.
For further information please visit www.foodservice.huhtamaki.co.uk
*Bring Banks run by ACE UK were originally set up for the beverage carton industry by Tetra Pak, Elopak and Sig Combibloc, but are now operating in conjunction with the paper cup industry so that used paper cups can be disposed of responsibly and recycled.