As of November 28, 2023, Huhtamaki is rated ‘A’ (on a scale of AAA-CCC) on the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment. Maintaining our rating is fundamentally important for us and reflects our top-of-industry governance practices as well as our continuous work to produce more sustainable packaging.
For the second year in a row, MSCI awarded Huhtamaki an ‘A’ in its annual assessment. Maintaining the A score is an achievement in the ESG Ratings landscape where one must run to keep still. We take the score publication as a moment to review our past few years of work and prepare for 2024 while ensuring we continue to focus on making an impact where it matters.
The MSCI ESG Rating assessment takes place annually. It measures a company’s resilience to long-term, industry-wide material environmental, social and governance risks and how well it manages those risks relative to peers. Read more about MSCI here.
In 2022, as the score reflects, we achieved some important milestones – reporting on our work in reducing the environmental impacts in our supply chain and improving our water management practices. In 2023, in addition to these topics, we have continued working on understanding our impact on biodiversity and evaluating the materiality of key areas in sustainability for Huhtamaki. While we have made great progress in the past years, we know that our journey is far from over. The COP28 discussions hosted in Dubai are a reminder to all of us about the gap that must still be closed between the current rate of progress seen and global sustainability commitments made by companies and countries alike. Huhtamaki is committed to continuing to drive change through sustainable packaging solutions and constant development of sustainable operations.