We are proud to announce “Packaging for Good”, our updated Corporate Responsibility (CR) agenda, which spans until 2020 – the 100th anniversary of our company.
The approaching milestone made this the natural time to take a closer look at our agenda and identify new goals and Key Perfomance Indicators to better reflect our current situation and future ambitions.
The updated agenda was developed during 2017 in our Corporate Responsibility Excellence stream, consisting of employees from our business segments and global functions. The team in turn interacted within their respective networks and communities for feedback. The agenda is a reflection of Huhtamaki’s values and is based on fresh analyses of megatrends, material issues, market views and and our own operations. The first results of our work are already visible, for example in the form of new targets.
“Packaging for Good, the name of the program, is a guiding principle for our employees as they go about making corporate responsibility part of our everyday business. The name is also a statement of intent. We want our social and environmental impact to contribute to becoming the preferred global food packaging company,” says Wouter van Tol, Head of CR at Huhtamaki.
“A well communicated agenda makes our initiatives and ambitions clear to all parties. Discussing and aligning them with, for example, our customers is easy and transparent.”
“We will review our agenda regularly, and we commit to communicating our progress to you, our stakeholders. We warmly welcome your feedback on our Packaging for Good agenda, whether directly to your existing contacts in Huhtamaki or via email to sustainability@huhtamaki.com.”