We proudly bear the name of our founder, Mr. Heikki Huhtamäki. Young Heikki, a village baker's son, established Huhtamäki Industries in 1920 in Kokkola, Finland. Ever since then, we've followed his spirit of adventure in exploring new opportunities across the world.
Huhtamaki has flourished from a local candy factory to a global leader in food packaging. It’s been 100 years of growth: not an overnight success, but a constant, powerful evolution. Our future success builds on our ability to create a long-term positive impact on people and the planet. We are ready for the next 100 years.
Huhtamaki started as a confectionery factory, expanding to e.g. food products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics over the years. By mid-1960s, our packaging business was fully established, and we were the leader in the European paper cup market. Huhtamaki was listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchange in 1960.
By the 1970s the company was a real conglomerate, operating in almost 20 unrelated businesses ranging from clothing to pipes. In the 1980s, however, it had become clear that ambiguous expansion to different industries was not the best option and concentrating to confectionery, pharmaceuticals and packaging started. From the beginning of the millenium Huhtamaki focused on consumer packaging and since 2014 on food packaging.
Today Huhtamaki is a global food packaging company operating in 35 countries, with over EUR 3 billion net sales and more than 18 000 employees. Our responsibility is to produce the best fit-for-purpose packaging to protect and serve food. We do this responsibly by managing our supply network, continuously improving our manufacturing operations and working closely together with our customers.
During 2020, we will celebrate our heritage and future together with our employees and customers.