Sami Pauni
Sami Pauni
Born 1974, Finnish citizen
Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Legal, Group General Counsel
GET member since: February 12, 2015
Joined the company: 2006
Education: LL.M., EMBA
Primary working experience:
Huhtamäki Oyj (2006–), several different legal and corporate affairs roles, previous position as Group Vice President, Legal, and General Counsel;
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. (2001–2006), Attorney
Key positions of trust:
Plan International Finland, Board member (2023-) and Chair of the Board of Directors (2025-);
Rovio Pet Foods Oy, Board member (2023-);
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), member of the Finnish Committee (2020–);
Securities Market Association, member of the Market Practice Board (2013–);
Confederation of Finnish Industries EK, member of the Legal Affairs Committee (2013–);