Huhtamaki scores rose from 65 (94th percentile) in 2020, to 71 points (97th percentile) this year. This significant improvement was driven by the company’s environmental policy and actions towards energy efficiency and waste management, as well as sustainable procurement.
EcoVadis’ rating methodology primarily serves to measure the quality of the sustainability management system of a company through its policies, actions, and results across industry. With a score point range starting from 45 to a maximum of 100, the assessment focuses on various criteria assembled into four themes: Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
“We are happy our unrelentless focus on embedding sustainability across our operations and our product solutions is being recognized externally. We are delighted with our improved EcoVadis gold rating from silver last year. This is a significant step forward, reflecting the focus we have on delivering on our 2030 Sustainability ambitions step by step, continuously learning, assessing and working across our value chain to improve on our ESG commitments. The recognition from EcoVadis is a great motivator for our teams to continue on our journey and also helps our external stakeholders better understand how we are doing,” says Thomasine Kamerling, Huhtamaki EVP, Sustainability and Communications.
This external recognition is part of the journey towards our 2030 ambition to become the first choice in sustainable packaging solutions. We aim to be the primary solutions-focused partner for our customers, to provide the most sustainable choice for consumers, to facilitate an engaging, motivating, and safe workplace for our people, to develop innovation and growth catalyst for our partners and to become the industry’s thought leader and respected member of communities.
About Ecovadis
Founded in 2007, EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. With a network of over 75,000 rated companies across the globe, the company’s comprehensive sustainability rating tools assesses private and public companies on social, ethical and environmental impacts, based on international sustainable development standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000.